What Photos Should you Share with your LinkedIn Network?

On the heels of announcing that they reached 300 Million members, LinkedIn introduced a brand newmobile feature today. Members are now able to share photographs on LinkedIn with their mobile device.

Why is this so important? We live in a visual world. Being able to express who we are and what we do through photos is essential. Sometimes we don't have the time or the right words to express what we do. The ability to quickly snap a photo while you are in the moment helps illustrate it for you.

We've seen how other social networks have been able to use this process on a personal level. However, having LinkedIn on board will help professionals worldwide tell a different story. While people might be busy snapping photos of art, food, sunsets or funny selfies, LinkedIn is taking photo sharing to the next professional level. They are inviting you to share a glimpse into what you do on a day to day at the office. We spend over 70% of our time at the office – we have a lot more to share with the world than art, food, sunsets and funny selfies.

According to LinkedIn's career expert Nicole Williams, "members who share images with their LinkedIn network are five times more likely to have other members engage with their update. Clicks and pics can be a recipe for professional success."

Not sure what to share? Why not start with a view of your workspace. "Bring the passion and energy that you have for your career to life. Use photographs to capture fun, inspiring or motivational moments throughout your day," says Williams. Snap a photo of your morning cup of Joe, a new product redesign, a powerful quote, a book you are reading or newly color coded files. Turn the cameras on your co-workers and a snap a photo of your Monday morning office meeting, your break room or your new conference space.

Upload Your Own Photo: Did you know that your LinkedIn Profile is 11 times more likely to be viewed if you include a photo? "Rather than using the typical headshot, try having someone take a shot of you in the midst of your work – during a presentation or practicing a big speech – or even in front of oven in your kitchen whites if you're a chef," says Williams.

When you're off site: Most professionals are on the move as opposed to sitting at their desks from 9-5. Exhibit your whereabouts by snapping a photo. You can share an update with your network that you are at the Ohio Marketing Convention, but by seeing photos of the booths, speakers and products in photos helps your network experience it in a much better light.

Act like an expert: The best way for a client or hiring manager to see you as a potential candidate is to see you in action. What better way to show off your expertise than a photo? If you're an architect, snap a photo of blueprints you're working on, if you work for a non-profit snap a photo of a walk-a-thon you managed, or if you're an event director take a photo of beautiful affair you created.

Should you Take Your Dog to Work?


Last month I had the opportunity to visit my friend's office. She works at a very relaxed and laid back PR firm--they even let you bring your dogs to work. As a dog lover (who hasn't owned a dog for years) this sounded like heaven. I walked into the office and my first thought was: how cute! My second thought was: how does anyone get any work done? After spending the day at this pet-friendly office, I have some points to consider before you bring Fido to your office.Allergies. Before you enforce a dog-as-the-office policy, understand that dog allergies are a real thing. Survey your staff and ask them if they are allergic or even afraid of dogs. You don't want to alienate someone just because you want to bring your dog to the office.

Doggy day care. Dogs can be, well, dogs. They are messy and sometimes have accidents--and when they do, the owner need to take care of it ASAP. I had a client inform me that she brought her young pup to her workplace, and he scurried into the CEO's office and pooped under his desk. She wasn't able to clean it and blamed it on a large rodent. Don't let yourself get tangled up in a lie.

Puppy distractions. If your dog isn't well behaved, don't bring him into work. You'll be spending more time reprimanding him than actually getting your work done. Conversely, even the best-behaved dogs can be procrastination tools. You pet him, Instagram him, introduce him to coworkers...before you know it, it's 5:00 and you haven't accomplished anything at work.

Positive attitude. Having a dog around can boost morale, especially on intense project days. Playing with a dog for few minutes can increase your energy and motivate you. However, you should time these breaks carefully. As mentioned above, five minutes can easily turn into an hour. However, dogs do increase camaraderie in offices--they are great conversation starters.